OpenAI — while best known for ChatGPT — has created dozens of models and open sourced many of them, most notably Whisper.
OpenAI models
About OpenAI
OpenAI is a research organization creating generative AI models founded in 2015 and headquartered in San Francisco. While OpenAI’s most famous models — such as GPT-3.5, GPT-4, and DALLE 3 — are proprietary and closed source, the company has released several open source models, most notably the Whisper model family for audio transcription.
Use open source models with ChatCompletions API
If you're interested in experimenting with open source alternatives to models like GPT-3.5 but don't want to make major code changes, Baseten supports an OpenAI ChatCompletions-compatible endpoint for certain LLMs in the model library, including:
Mistral 7B Chat
Zephyr 7B Alpha