Ten reasons to join Baseten

At Baseten, we build delightful products for engineering and machine learning teams to deliver their best work. Here are ten reasons for why you might want to join us, organized around market opportunity, product positioning, and team.

Market opportunity

AI inference is a massive opportunity. Naturally, tons of smart, ambitious, well-resourced teams are competing to win in the market. We believe that we have what it takes to succeed in this market — but we’ll be even better positioned with you on board.

I work with people who exude unbridled optimism about the future, and believe in our ability to do difficult things.

Abu Qader, Engineering

1. You understand how early AI really is

Baseten was founded in 2019 as a platform for data science teams to ship their work to production. As generative AI accelerated in 2022, we expanded our vision to help all engineering teams get to value with AI and ML. Today, we’re powering production inference for AI-native startups and enterprises.

The hype around AI obscures how remarkably early this market is. Our customers are early adopters serving early adopters. As the market grows and matures, we’ll be in position to benefit from a powerful tailwind of mass adoption from consumers to traditional enterprises.

2. You believe in open source AI

Our customers use Baseten to deploy open-source, fine-tuned, and custom models. We work with the best open source models for audio transcription, chat, image generation, and more every day. The quality of open source models is constantly leveling up; it’s our job to level up the tooling for using them in production.

We also ship open-source software ourselves. Truss is our open-source model packaging framework, and we’ve released dozens of optimized implementations of open source models.

3. You want to enable the best AI-native startups and enterprises

In his reflection on working as a forward-deployed engineer at Baseten, Het Trivedi put it best:

Customers don't just use Baseten to run simple models out of the box. They come to us with hairy technical challenges like "How can we optimize our model serving latency by 10x while keeping costs flat?" or "What's the best way to horizontally scale our generative AI pipeline to handle 100x more traffic?"

Baseten exists to solve hard problems for smart teams. Our customers are constantly redefining what generative AI is capable of, and we get to be right next to them resetting the state of the art for AI infrastructure.

4. You’re excited to 10x Baseten — then do it again

It’s the perfect time to join Baseten. We have real customers, real revenue, and an unbelievable market opportunity. But pick your favorite startup saying — it’s day one, we’re just getting started — it’s all true.

We’re entering an inflection point in our growth. In the coming months and years, we’ll need to continuously reinvent every part of our product and organization as we scale. We’re at the most exciting phase of a company’s lifecycle and each person who joins now can have a massive impact on the direction and magnitude of our growth.

A scenic hike, Phoenix offsite, Q4 2023

Product and positioning

Category-defining customers like Descript, Writer, Bland, Picnic Health, and Patreon rely on Baseten for production workloads. We’re a Series B company backed by Greylock, IVP, Spark, and many other world-class investors and angels.

I’m not only supported on every front, but also challenged with ownership, product thinking, and a diversity of projects that exercise my engineering muscles.

Samiksha Pal, Engineering

5. You don’t take PMF for granted

We have product market fit. It took us a long time to get here, and our customers love our platform. But the AI market is changing every day and we’ll lose PMF if we don’t move with it.

We pay attention to trends and competitors. But we build our roadmap around our customers. No matter what your role is at Baseten, you’ll have the opportunity to get close to the customer, learn about the market, and drive our strategy forward.

6. You like building infrastructure

Baseten is an infrastructure company. We provide core infrastructure that our customers rely on to bring AI-native products and features to market. We’re multi-region, multi-cloud, multi-model, multi-GPU, and working on becoming multi-everything. We differentiate our infrastructure with best in class performance for dedicated model deployments, unmatched security and compliance offerings, and self-hosting options.

Our job is to build robust abstractions for challenging and evolving problems. From adapting Kubernetes to work for GPU workloads to building a live reload development environment for large AI models, our infrastructure work is an opinionated stance on the best way to solve a new generation of essential problems for bringing AI into production.

7. You care about craft and quality

Our unmatched platform uptime isn’t an accident. Neither are the extra-mile details in our UI or the developer experience investments that save hours on development tasks for our users (and ourselves).

Yes, we ship fast. We’re happy to iterate on a prototype. That’s how we build worthwhile things. If you care about doing great work without burdensome process or prescriptive perfectionism, you’ll be right at home on a team that’s equally dedicated to upholding high standards for everything we do.

Collage, Nashville offsite, Q2 2024

The people on the team

Every company says it has a world-class team. We actually do.

It’s the collaborative spirit and genuine camaraderie that make our workplace extraordinary.

Suren Atoyen, Engineering

8. You’re ready for us to invest in you

Competitive salaries and stock grants, great benefits including parental leave, 16 paid company holidays plus unlimited PTO with a 3-week minimum, and access to the latest and greatest GPU hardware are just the beginning of Baseten’s commitment to each team member.

At a high-growth startup, there’s endless opportunity for your role and skills to grow along with the company. We’ve had salespeople learn to code and new-grad engineers lead major project initiatives. We’re a small and scrappy team, but we now have the resources to accelerate people and ideas to their full potential. Wherever you’re at in your career, Baseten is a great place to bet on yourself because we’re betting on you too.

9. You’ll look forward to epic offsites

Twice a year, the entire Baseten team gathers in person for offsites featuring show-stopping food, all-hands strategy meetings, a highly competitive hackathon, and the chance to connect in person and build bonds that go beyond daily work.

We’ve picked locations like Boulder, Mexico City, and Nashville … and who knows, if you win the next hackathon, you could be choosing where we go together for the next one!

10. You could have been anywhere in the world tonight…

Baseten is a team of people who have chosen to be here. Our team joined up from companies like NVIDIA, Microsoft, and Google; unicorn startups; and top universities. Baseten is for people who require agency and ownership to do their best work and are looking to work with others who feel the same.

Baseten has a headquarters in San Francisco, a small office in Manhattan, and remote teammates across the United States and worldwide including Canada, Germany, and Armenia. With great perks for in-person employees and a travel-to-office budget for those working remotely, Baseten is a great place to work no matter where you are in the world.

Totally candid photo, Phoenix offsite, Q4 2023

If these reasons to work at Baseten resonate with you, check out open roles on our career page or connect with us at careers@baseten.co